The Apple Seesaw

What is up with the iPhone 14 Pro cases?

M.G. Siegler
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2022


Come on.

These are not my broader thoughts on the new iPhones 14. Those are still forming, as I’m just a few days into using the device. But instead, here’s a quick post about one very simple, very obvious thing about the device that is crazy to me in these early days using it: How the hell doesn’t Apple have a better case for it?!

Yes, yes, in some circles it’s blasphemous to use a case on your iPhone. And I too tend not to use one as the device ages — which is silly, but a view into my mind — but in the early days, when those lenses are so pristine and that screen is so beautiful, I’m terrified of destroying the damn thing. It’s more expensive than my MacBook. So I cling to a case — one of the Apple-made ones, of course.

But as the tectonic shifts of mobile camera technology continue to edge the bump into the Alps, it’s really not even good enough to use one of the cases anymore. I mean sure, it will help against drops. But in just putting the device down on its backside, the thing is like a goddamn teeter-totter. The camera bump seems protected — though who the hell knows what is going on under there?! — but the case’s own massive bump makes laying it flat a distant memory.

So I’m actually using two cases with the iPhone 14. One Apple leather case, and a wallet MagSafe add on. This is the only way I’ve found that I can lay it flat on its back.

And this is actually important with the iPhone 14 Pro models because they have the new always-on screen. It’s great. Very useful. But it’s exactly 100% less useful if you have to lay your device down face-first. Which is the only way to lay it flat, without those aforementioned multiple cases (or other, much larger third-party cases).

This is wild to me. The always-on screen is a flagship feature of the Pro models. Yet you not only should not lay your device on its back sans case due to aforementioned Himalayan camera system, but even with the case it’s a farce. I simply cannot believe Apple didn’t come up with some kind of new case for the iPhones 14 Pro that allowed you to lay it flat, as the lord intended. Yes, it would require more material and thinking. But even a hollow bottom part that allowed it to lay flat would probably be better than the current solution? Yes, it would be thicker overall, but who are we trying to fool here? The camera bump is that thicc! A new battery pack case would be even better, but I recognize the weight addition there as well.

And don’t talk to me about the folio case. I’m not European. Also I don’t think Apple has offered that since the iPhone 11?

This all boils down to the camera bump itself becoming untenable. The camera system is fantastic, of course, but the way it lives on the device is ridiculous. Google came up with their own solution (a camera ‘bar’), and Apple should come up with something better. At the very least, a fantastic case. One that is useful and makes you want to take advantage of the new always-on marquee feature! Apple is usually great about such things. I can’t believe they didn’t do it here.

Holy fingerprint detail. And that’s shot with the 13 Pro!



Writer turned investor turned investor who writes. General Partner at GV. I blog to think.