…And My 2015 iPad Homescreen

M.G. Siegler
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2016


After posting my yearly update about my iPhone homescreen a couple days ago, a few people asked to see what was on my iPad homescreen as well. Fair enough — it is my second most-used device, after all (after the aforementioned iPhone, of course).

While some people may keep the same apps on their iPad as they do on their phone, mine are quite a bit different. For me, the iPad is much more about reading, writing, and entertainment. And the apps on my homescreen showcase that.

The key apps that I don’t have on my iPhone homescreen but have on my iPad homescreen are Videos, NYTimes, and Byword. All should be pretty self-explanatory (watching, reading, writing). In the two extra dock spaces on the iPad, I keep Medium and Pocket. Again, for obvious reasons (reading/writing and reading/discovery).

And yes, even though Apple depricated the Newsstand feature in iOS 9, I keep the publications that used to reside in there in a folder of the same name — though I’m debating moving that to the second screen, since I honestly don’t read those apps as much as I probably should (since I’m paying for many of them). Perhaps best to break out iBooks or ESPN (as I have on my iPhone) and keep one of those on the homescreen instead.

Of note: there is only one app that’s not currently tailored for the iPad on there, and that’s Periscope. The reason is that I’m so often using my iPad when a Periscope push notification comes in, so I still want to be able to watch it there.

I actually own an iPad Air 2, and iPad mini 4, and an iPad Pro. Yes, it’s ridiculous, I know. (Don’t get megan started…) Despite the size differences, I keep the same apps on each in the same order. The picture above is of the Air, which I happen to have with me right now.

So there you go, the apps on my iPad are similar, but different from my iPhone. And years later, I’m still perfecting the layout. We’ll see if the iPad Pro ends up drastically altering things in 2016…

Disclosure: Same as last post. Nothing to add…



Writer turned investor turned investor who writes. General Partner at GV. I blog to think.